Do You Need to Delegate More? Tools To Strengthen Your Ability To Delegate.
chrisa boyce chrisa boyce

Do You Need to Delegate More? Tools To Strengthen Your Ability To Delegate.

If you ask a group of leaders what skills they need to improve, the skill of delegating will rank somewhere in the top 3 for most people.

Delegating is an instrumental part of a leader’s job, yet, the skill itself is very hard to cultivate. It requires that a leader can assess their staff’s strengths and weaknesses, understand their skills and readiness levels, and ensure that the staff has the tools and resources they need to complete the request successfully.

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Stop Fights In Their Tracks | 3 Steps To Diffuse The Drama
chrisa boyce chrisa boyce

Stop Fights In Their Tracks | 3 Steps To Diffuse The Drama

Conflict happens all the time. It is a normal, healthy, and important part of being in a relationship. The fights that come with the conflict — that is another story

The proliferation of these “fights”? 9 times out of 10 — we did not properly diffuse “the fight” from the jump.

Sounds almost too simple, right? Could it be true that all we have to do is get better at diffusing fights and then the majority of our problems in our life just… go away?

Well, yes in fact it is true.

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Get to Your Goals — Ending the year powerful and proud.
chrisa boyce chrisa boyce

Get to Your Goals — Ending the year powerful and proud.

If you are anything like most people (myself included) you might be going into the Fall thinking: ah, yeah, I did not do all the things I wanted to do this year.

Perhaps you are close to meeting that huge milestone you set for yourself or, maybe you are realizing that you need to get in gear (now!) because you can’t and won’t let another year go by without kicking off that big project, leaving that job, or prioritizing taking care of yourself.

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You’re Successful, Now What?
chrisa boyce chrisa boyce

You’re Successful, Now What?

Success is a wonderful thing! When we achieve something we have been really wanting, especially those "big" wins like a big career move, financial freedom or dominion over our time it alters our life. Interestingly, big successes don't always cause long lasting fulfillment. In fact, after the initial elation, we may feel more bewildered than clear and even empty verses fulfilled. The question becomes: Now what?! In this article I share a few tips for how to stay happy, motivated and moving forward after achieving some of life's greatest milestones.

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Struggling as a Leader? 6 Reasons Why Lacking Accountability Can Hurt Your Career.
chrisa boyce chrisa boyce

Struggling as a Leader? 6 Reasons Why Lacking Accountability Can Hurt Your Career.

One of the main issues leaders and companies face when trying to build culture and drive growth is the lack of accountability. At first, most of us might think: "yeah I am accountable or I own my stuff". But, not so fast. There are many ways we can miss the boat on fully being accountable. Most of my leaders don't even know that they are lacking accountability in some aspects of their leadership. The impact of this is (and can be) far reaching. Lacking accountability can hurt your career and get in the way of even doing the basics of your job as a leader.

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